Thank You, Molly Shattuck. Although Ridiculous – The Sex Offender Registry Always Welcomes More MILFs!
Yes, I feel sorry for Molly Shattuck. And the teenage boy that kept getting incredible blow jobs from her. In her car. And on vacation. And sexting with her on her cell phone.
But mostly, I feel sad for the American people that think lumping her in with Jerry Sandusky makes any sense at all.
It’s not only ridiculous – it’s idiotic. In 2014, the National Sex Offender registry sky rocketed to over 3/4 million United States citizens. While that might make great water cooler conversation, it’s completely useless. How do you monitor that many people – or better yet, are you sure you need to?
Do we really need to publicly ridicule this lady, and shame her, and keep her away from toddlers at the park? I encourage you to visit SexRapRecap.com and get the full perspective.
- Long Live Registry Reform